PULLEY regolabile 339-1839 mm su 21 livelli interasse 75 mm
PULLEYS adjustable on 21 levels (339-1839 mm) distance 75 mm
J-CUP/SAFETY SPOTTER ARMS Extra strong spessore 5 mm con protezione UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight). Regolabile 314-1814 mm su 31 livelli interasse 50 mm
J-CUP/SAFETY SPOTTER ARMS Extra strong - 5 mm thickness with UHMW
(Ultra High Molecular Weight) protection pads, adjustable on 31 levels (314-1814 mm) distance 50 mm
DIMENSIONE PRODOTTO 1990x1500x2200 mm
SET UP SIZE 1990x1500x2200 mm
STRUTTURA TUBOLARE a sezione rettangolare 50x70 mm - spessore 2 mm e quadrata 50x50 mm - spessore 2 mm
TUBING SECTION rectangular tubing 50x70 mm - thickness 2 mm and square tubing 50x50 mm thickness 2 mm
BILANCIERE 1980mm, scorrimento su cuscinetti a sfera, 2 sicurezze con gancio
regolabile, regolabili su 12 posizioni (523 - 1733 mm), passo110 mm.
Diametro porta dischi da 50 mm e da 25 mm
BARBELL 1980mm, linear bearings sliding, 2 safety systems with hook to avoid barbell falling, vertically adjustable on 12 levels (523 - 1733 mm), distance 110 mm. Weight plate holder diameter suitable for ø50 mm and 25 mm weight plates.
DOTAZIONI/NOTE 3-IN-1 dual pulley, smith machine, rack. 2 J-hook, coppia fermi di sicurezza bilanciere con rulli gambe in foam, barra trazioni, parallele, porta bilanciere, 4 porta dischi ø50 mm e 25 mm, 10 ferma dischi a molla ø49 mm, 10 ferma dischi a mola ø47 mm. Attachments : cavigliera, landmine, 2 maniglie trazioni, bilanciere curl.
EQUIPMENT/NOTES 3-IN-1 dual pulley, smith machine, rack. 2 J-hooks, 2 safety spotter arms with 1 set leg holder foam, chin-up bar, dip up bar, barbell storage, 4 weight plates holders for ø50 mm and 25 mm plates, 10 olympic spring clips ø49 mm, 10 spring clips ø47 mm. Attachments : ankle strap, landmine, 2 Y- handles, curved bar.
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